Monday, December 21, 2009

Addicted To F-armageddon's Financial Heroin

Following the traditions of best drug dealership practice, Don Coxe shares (HT Zero Hedge) the experience of his father:
... he told me that he swiftly learned that the best - and frequently the only - reliable drug for the critically wounded was heroin. Soldiers who writhed in agony under other medications almost always responded to heroin.

The problem wasn't deciding whether to administer it: if morphine didn't work fast, you didn't waste time, you injected heroin.

The problem for the doctor came when the patient had begun to recover from surgery, and was receiving heroin. How quickly could the dosage be reduced and when it be terminated? Although few soldiers were freed of heroin without experiencing pain or distress, it was necessary to take the drug away as rapidly as possible. Otherwise they would become addicts and their lives would be ruined - for soldiering and everything else ...
Clowns are not following drug addicted with their lives ruined, so expect hangover after New Year's party?

P.S. It is fascinating to see, how the most important event for the German DAX today, is the US cash market opening ...

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