Monday, February 08, 2010

Recovering Tariffs?

While we wait for a kind of bounce in risk markets, and here the wisdom of admired Jeff Saut of Raymond James may be spot on with the call for this week:
Economist, historian, and savvy seer Eliot Janeway stated decades ago, “When the White House is in trouble, the markets are in trouble!” Plainly, we agree and would add that the January Barometer has registered a cautionary signal, as has Lucien Hooper’s December Low indicator. That said, Friday’s turnaround, accompanied by pretty oversold readings, should lead to some sort of one- to three-session rally attempt. To that point, the NASDAQ 100 (NDX/1746.12) was “up” last week (+0.29%), as was Info Tech (+0.72%), Materials (+0.83%), and Natural Gas (+6.7%); so they may lead the “bounce.” Luckily, we have investments in all of these complexes. However, at session 14, in the envisioned 17- to 25-session “selling stampede, we remain cautious.

... I went to see what Google Trends are telling about the "TARIFFS". Another sign of healthy global economy?

Well, I looked also at the latest run through the blog roll, and chickens especially get grilled recently:
Protectionism: China and chickens versus Canada and Buy American
China Announces 105% Tariffs on Chickens in Retaliation for US Steel and Tire Tariffs
China Vs. US Chickens
China Complains to WTO About EU Tariffs

and then these too:
Should we cancel Haiti’s debts?
China GDP Growth Trumps Arms Dispute
Wonderful books added to literature

that' s only for February to start with!

Well, some "bulls with faith" are burning fingers, some believe greed might get good again, some still see no panic at all ...

I do not fear to sell in strength ... but do not rush, as we, indeed may be still higher in a week or two.

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